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terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

携帯彼氏 / Keitai Kareshi ( Mobile Boyfriend ) 2009 (Sub Eng)

Bom ... eu me deparei com esse filme por acaso. E , eu achei um Terror , meio ,aliás, um Terror 'teen' .
Eu já digo : Eu sou uma pessoa bem sensível.
O que eu quero dizer , é que eu não suporto assistir filmes de terror,principalmente se forem com um tema 'sobrenatural'. Mas esse, eu consegui assistir até com a luz apagada ... e certas partes , uau, achei 'cômico' a situação (embora não eu queira dizer 'engraçado')... não é de todo,ele tem um certo 'suspense' ... mas vai de cada um que assiste.

Well ... I came across this film by chance. And I found a Terror, means, incidentally, one Terror 'teen'. 
I already say I am a very sensitive person. 
What I mean is that I can not stand to watch horror movies, especially if they are with a 'supernatural' theme. But this, I managed to watch with the lights off ... and parts, wow, I thought 'comical' the situation (although I do not want to say 'funny') ... is not all, he has a certain 'thriller "... but will for everyone who attends.

Bueno ... me encontré con esta película por casualidad. Y me encontré con un Terror, medios, por cierto, uno Terror 'teen'.
Ya digo que soy una persona muy sensible.
Lo que quiero decir es que no puedo soportar ver películas de terror, sobre todo si son con un tema de "sobrenatural". Pero esto, me las arreglé para ver con las luces apagadas ... y partes, wow, pensé 'cómica' la situación (aunque no quiero decir 'divertido') ... no es todo, tiene un cierto suspense '"... pero la voluntad de todos los que asiste.

Keitai kareshi (24 October 2009)

Idioma : Japonês
Legenda : Inglês

High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend." Ayumi's classmates Satomi and Yuka investigate her suicide and quickly links her death to a popular cellphone dating simulation game called Keitai Kareshi. The main features of the game include a 'love gauge' that determines how well the player is faring and the ability to chat with other players. Satomi, Yuka download the game to their phones and begin interacting with their new virtual boyfriends. Soon after, Satomi shares the game with her co-worker who -- not long after the love gauge on her cellphone hit zero -- dies from electrocution. Meanwhile, Yuka sends the game to her manager who turns up dead the following day following a mysterious accident. The mystery deepens as Satomi discovers the image of Naoto, a senior student whom Satomi secretly admired, on her friend Hisami's cellphone.

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